Surah yasin in english
Surah yasin in english

  • And We sent not against his people after him any army from the heaven and nor We ever to send down thereany army.
  • As my Lord has forgiven me and has made me of the honored ones.
  • Undoubtedly I believed in your Lord, so listen to me.
  • Undoubtedly then I am in a clear error.
  • Shall I take, besides Allah, other gods that if the Most Affectionate intends any harm, their intercession shallnot be of any use to me and nor would they save me?.
  • surah yasin in english

  • And what is to me that I should not worship Him Who created me and you are to return only to Him.
  • Follow those who do not ask any reward of you and they are on the right course.
  • there came a man running He said, 'O my people, follow the sent ones.' Do you start on it that you are made to understand? Nay, you are a peopleexceeding the limit.
  • They said, 'your ill star is with you.
  • They said, we augur ill of you, undoubtedly, if you desist not, we shall then surely stone you, and a painfulchastisement from us will certainly fall you.
  • And on us is not but clear deliverance.
  • They said, 'our Lord Knows that undoubtedly, we have necessarily been sent to you'.
  • They said, 'you are not, but a man like us and the Most Affectionate has sent down nothing, you are only lying.
  • Then they belied them, so We strengthened them with a third, now they all said verily we have been sent to you.'
  • And narrate them the signs of the people of a city when there came to them sent ones.
  • Undoubtedly, We shall give life to the dead and We are noting down what they have sent forward and whatsigns they have left behind and We have already kept counted every thing in a clean Book.
  • You warn only him who follows admonition and fears the Most Affectionate without seeing, so give him gladtiding of forgiveness and a respectable reward.
  • surah yasin in english

    And it is equal for them whether you warn them or warn them not, they are not to believe.And We have set a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and covered them from above, thereforethey see nothing.

    surah yasin in english

    We have put on their necks chains reaching to their chins, so they remained raising up their faces.Undoubtedly, the word has been proved against most of them, so they shall not believe.So that you may warn a people whose fathers were not warned so they are unaware.Sent down by the Dignified, the Merciful.Translation of Quran In English - Surah Ya-Sin Home > Quran > Translation In English > Surah Ya-Sin

    Surah yasin in english